7 Reasons why email marketing is important for your business - small or big.

Email is still one of the best ways to communicate with customers.

In fact, 83% of consumers prefer to receive communication from businesses over email.

Source: Twilio Global Study_ Consumer Engagement Best Practices for 2020

If that alone doesn’t convince you, here are 7 more reasons to consider email marketing.

Build Credibility

Emails are permission-based, and customers like to have a choice to easily opt out of communication. But if you know your customers and send out emails that cater to their needs, you’re on the winning side, and they won’t want to unsubscribe. You will build credibility, which rewards businesses with more customers and authority in the industry. 

Increase brand recognition

Email marketing is a less expensive and surefire way to promote your brand. Promote by design, yes, but more importantly, with valuable content. The value of your products and services will in turn increase, making it harder for people to turn you down.

Increase traffic and sales

Any communication will be annoying to the customers, but customers will also reward businesses that listen to their preferences and communicate with them in the right way. Done right, you could see an increase in the bottom line. 

Build stronger customer relationship

You need your customers to appreciate and trust you. Eventually, they will look to you for the information they need because you’ve provided valuable insight. When your content and info have improved your audience’s lives, your relationship with them will be concrete. 

Learn what works

Through your email marketing, you can look at metrics and see what works and what doesn’t. Outdo your marketing goals with new insights that will help you make smarter decisions while better understanding the needs and wants of your customers.

Generate more leads and grow your audience

It takes time to turn leads into customers. Email marketing with great content gives you a chance to nurture those relationships; before long, you will pull them in as a customer. You’ll also begin to grow an audience that wants to hear from you. 

Increase your value

The right content strategy will attract more attention to your message. You can increase your value and return through email marketing without paying for other advertising channels. 

Email marketing allows your customers to get to know you more, and it opens the door of communication so you can also get to know your customers. Customers love it when businesses treat them as an individual.

That’s what excellent email marketing does.


The industries leading in email marketing & the ones that can benefit more


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