The industries leading in email marketing & the ones that can benefit more

It's hard to admit that email is an old form of digital communication. So why are businesses not using it enough?

With so many communication methods, it's hard to determine which is best for reaching your customers. Your customers might like using social media and chat apps, but there's only one marketing tool that beats them all: Email. 

Email marketing is an influential digital business tool and the most effective way to reach and nurture customers today. Some industries are killin' it with creative email campaigns, while others are lagging. 

50% of people buy from marketing emails at least once per month. (Salecycle, 2022) And according to HubSpot's survey, 59% of the respondents stated that emails influence their buying decisions.

Whichever type of email you send to your mailing list, you can communicate with your audience with quality content while increasing sales. 

If you're curious about which industries are ranking (highest to lowest) in email marketing, here they are…

1. Retail

The retail industry is undoubtedly leading in email marketing strategies. Both multiline and mono-brand retailers with the data and resources to send hyper-targeted email updates will dominate. Global brands like Nike, Sephora, and On can easily send regular and relevant emails. You'll get an update about a product you previously looked at and consider buying it. Retailers can leverage data to inspire engagement, increase site traffic and drive more conversion. 

2. Financial Services

Financial services perform just as well as financial marketers get smarter about using granular data to their advantage. Banks are implementing AI tools to find out information like what you search for and what your financial preferences are. If you're looking for a car loan, you'll receive an email with car loan plans to move you closer to that goal. 

3. Travel/Hospitality

Travel and hospitality had a difficult time the past few years, but with email marketing was able to experience success. Delivery or pick-up for food skyrocketed as virtual contact was considered "safer." Brands also started sending rewards to their customers a la free offerings or vouchers for future use. 

4. Consumer goods

Marketers for consumer goods struggle because many of them lack customer data and their own commerce channels. But those who can mimic B2C brands with customer data can send updates to their customer base and offer exclusive subscriber offers for previously purchased goods. 

5. Healthcare

The healthcare industry is said to be the most unsuccessful in mobile optimization, driving traffic to the site and providing a better user experience. So there's a lot of opportunity for marketers to push educational and targeted content that will resonate with subscribers.

The low-ranking industries have a chance to achieve their goals - if they do it right. If you want your customers to take you seriously, email marketing is one decisive way to do it and do it creatively. 

Email marketing has been a game changer for many big and small businesses by helping in efforts to increase outreach and save time through managing subscribers, product offer tracking, visually appealing templates, targeting subscribers, and conducting split tests. 

Email marketing should be rooted in every part of a business's inbound strategy. 

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